Kozhikode ( formerly Calicut ) is a city with a lot of history. What is now one of the largest cities in Kerala and the main city of Malabar used to an important port trading in spices. Kozhikode was once the capital of the Zamorins and later of the erstwhile Malabar District. Arab merchants traded with Kozhikode as early as 7th century, and Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama landed at Kozhikode on May 20, 1498. The English landed in 1615 (constructed a trading post in 1665), followed by the French (1698) and the Dutch (1752). In 1765, Hyder Ali of Mysore captured Kozhikode and destroyed the city as part of his invasion. Kozhikode, once famous cotton-weaving center, is known as the place which gave name to the Calico cloth. It has traded in spices like black pepper and cardamom with the Jews, Arabs, Phoenicians, and the Chinese since more than 500 years. As Kozhikode offered full freedom and security, the Arab and the Chinese merchants preferred it to all other ports.